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Moldavite – Moldavite is found in the Czech Republic, originally discovered along the Moldau River, thus the name. It is a natural tektite, created by the impact of an asteroid with a diameter of 1.5 km about 14 million years ago, which impacted in the Nördlinger Ries (Bavaria). Moldavite is green in color and can range between olive to moss and is found in nodules or feathered chunks and is dated at approximately 14 million years old. Many vendors are now offering Moldavite which is actually fake, which most people cannot tell the difference just by looking at it. Geniune Moldavite will not melt at the low temperature as their fake counterparts, however. Starborn is involved in responsible Moldavite mining in the Czech Republic since 1996 and we guarantee the authenticity of our products.

2 products found in Moldavite


Starborn Genuine raw Moldavite 30-40 carat sterling silver pendant
  • €298,00
  • €243,76


Starborn Sterling Silver Natural Raw Moldavite Small Earrings
  • €98,00
