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Continue ShoppingCrown Third-Eye Throat Heart Solar-Plexus Sacral Root
Chakra-Heart is connected to the number 12, the union of male and female, element of air, shiva, overcoming trauma & grief and the colors Green and Pink. Gemstones can be Rosequarz, Green Tourmaline and Moldavite. Furthermore Aventurine, Emerald, Rhodochrosite & Rhodonite are widely mentioned as support to the Heart Chakra.
Relation of Chakras to Colors is an ancient belief and roots in Hindu culture. Connections of the chakras with gemstones, alchemy and astrology was added later in history and follows the holistic approach of eastern mythology and medicine.
The 7 Chakras depict various focal points in our body, relating them to colors, actions and matter.
Below you find stones and colors related to the Chakra-Heart (Anahata):