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Birthstone May: the fifth month of the year is traditionally connected to Emerald. Another Gem linked to the month May is Sapphire, a stone linked to the Zodiac Taurus.

The Zodiac signs have their own birthstones and being born in May you could be either Taurus (Apr 19-May 20) or Gemini (May 21-June 21). Since Saphire and Agate are both's Zodiacs birthstones, one can find these 2 minerals mentioned as alternative birthstones for May. To fine-tune the listed products by Zodiac or such please use your filter options on the page. 

Below you find Starborn items that are related to the months of May:

1 product found in Birthstone May


Starborn White Drusy Quartz Pendant in Sterling Silver Setting with White Topaz
  • €189,00
  • €163,77
